Veer Chotrani beats his Indian compatriot Yash Fadte to win the Under-19 boy’s category title at the Asian Junior Squash Championship in Macau on Sunday. The Maharastra boy emerged victorious with a scoreline of 3-2 sets Veer had earlier defeated Pakistan’s Haris Qasim by 11-4 11-7 7-11 11-9 to enter the final.Yash had earlier defeated Pakistan’s Hamza Sharif in the semi-final by 6-11, 11-8, 9-11, 11-7, 11-7. Yuvna Gupta , Neel Joshi Image : Macau Squash In the final of the Under-17 boy’s category, India’s Neel Joshi goes down to Malaysia’s Nathan Kueh Tze Bing by 11-5 3-11 10-12 8-11 to clinch the Silver medal. In the final of the Under-15 girl’s event, Yuvna Gupta clinched the Silver after loosing to Aira Binti Azman of Malaysia by 11-9 1-11,3-11,9-11. Earlier India got three Bronze medals by Anahat Singh (Under -13 Girl's), Parth Ambani (Under-15 Boy's), Sanya Vats (Under-19 Girl's). Anahat Singh, Parth Ambani, Sanya Vats Image: Macau squash India Finished with 1 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze medals.In 2018 india had 1 Gold,1 Silver and 4 Bronze.
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