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Fitness & Wellness

How can running and strength training combined lead to weight loss

How can running and strength training combined lead to weight loss

Suraj Iyer

Published: 14 Oct 2020 8:47 AM GMT

Weight loss is associated with exercise, but the first thing that many people think about is running. Running is the easiest mode of weight loss, and an affordable option for many as compared to a gym membership. However, gyms have an added advantage of having an experienced trainer plan and guide one through the whole process of exercising. So does running help with weight loss?

Weight Loss and Running

Running has many options depending on the person. Ranging from sprints to tempo runs, there are many ways to run and initiate weight loss. Here are the two most popular runs performed when targeting weight loss.


Sprinting is a higher intensity form of running that puts the whole body through a lot of stress. However, this amount of moderate to high intensity effort is likely to trigger weight loss faster and help in engaging the type 2 muscle fibres.


Endurance runs on the other hand involve maintaining a slow, steady pace for a long time. This helps in building endurance and burning fat, two key components if one’s goal is to participate in a marathon someday.

However, running alone is not the key to weight loss. Especially when one invests time in running, they expect more results than weight and fat loss. This is where a major component comes into play.

Kettle Bell, Training, Fitness, Workout, Exercise Strength training helps in building muscle, which in turn leads to the ability to eat more and maintain weight.

Strength Training

While running may trigger weight loss, it is likely to plateau at a point where the body becomes efficient at burning lesser calories for more energy output. This is where strength training comes in hand. It need not be lifting heavy weights but something as simple as callisthenics or homemade weights. Strength training helps in building muscle, which in turn leads to the ability to eat more and maintain weight. The metabolism when muscle mass is higher in the body, leads to more calories burnt during rest. Thus strength training when combined with running is a key component to weight loss.

Calorie Deficit

A calorie deficit is the most important part of weight loss. No matter how much exercise is performed, one can easily regain all the calories spent. Diet is touted as 80% of a person’s weight loss journey, with exercise taking up the other 20%, however, both play an equal effort. When a well balanced diet is coupled with a structured running and strength training routine, that combines high intensity and endurance, it can result in optimum weight loss.

Running is a great form of exercise. It can reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases and help boost heart health and metabolism. However, it is alone not enough, and progressive overload followed by doing strength training can lead to even greater benefits.

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