Meet India's first woman commando trainer and practitioner of Bruce Lee's form of martial art - Seema Rao
A professional martial art practitioner, Seema Rao is one of the rarest people in the world to have perfected Jeet Kune Do – a martial art form founded by the legendary Bruce Lee.
There are some people who are extremely good at what they do, and then there are others who are ace almost everything they try their hand on. Seema Rao falls under the latter.
Rao is currently 51 years old and has spent the last two decades of her life training India's armed forces in close-quarte battles. Other than being India's first woman commando trainer, she is also a recipient of Army Chief Citations, US President's Volunteer Service, and World Peace Diplomat award.
Now, this is just her profession! Besides all this, Rao boasts of a seventh degree black-belt in military martial arts and is also a Mrs India World pageant finalist. She also has an MBA in crisis management, a degree in conventional medicine and can double up as a combat training shooter, firefighter and scuba diver as well!
A professional martial art practitioner, Seema Rao is one of the rarest people in the world to have perfected Jeet Kune Do – a martial art form founded by the legendary Bruce Lee.
A true Wonder-Woman, she is married to Major Deepak Rao and is blessed with a daughter, Komal, who too has mastered the art of Jeet Kune Do at a pretty young age.
She has also co-authored many books and has also produced and acted in India's first-ever Mixed Martial Art (MMA) movie, Hathapayi, which is also the first-ever Indian film to have displayed the martial art of Jeet Kune Do.