Tata Open Maharashtra organisers on Thursday confirmed that the 2020 edition of the ATP 250 tournament would be held in the first week of February. The 2nd edition of Tata Open Maharashtra was held from 31st December 2018 to 5th January 2019. The event served as one of the season openers on ATP calendar and attracted many top players including Kevin Anderson, Marin Cilic, Hyeon Chung, Gilles Simon, Malek Jaziri, Ivo Karlovic among slew of other stars since it moved to Pune. “With the introduction of ATP Cup from 2020, Week 1 of 2020 season was getting too crowded. ATP gave us the option of moving to Week 5 and we were happy to accept the proposal,”
said Prashant Sutar, Tournament Director, Tata Open Maharashtra. “This will allow us to engage with a new set of players going back to Europe from Australian Open,” added Sutar. “As organisers, we are glad that Tata Open Maharashtra continues to remain an important tournament in the ATP calendar. The new schedule also means the tournament will be a week-long event unlike six days like the past two editions,” said Sunder Iyer, Secretary General, Maharashtra State Lawn Tennis Association (MSLTA). The last edition of the event saw Kevin Anderson beating Ivo Karlovic in what was the tallest ATP final then. Indian pair of Rohan Bopanna and Divij Sharan beat British duo of Luke Bambridge and Jonny O’Hara to win the doubles title.Stay connected with The Bridge on #socials.