India's veteran tennis star Rohan Bopanna had a winning start of his mixed doubles campaign at the Australian Open on Saturday. Bopanna, along with his new Ukranian new partner Nadiia Kichenok beat Ukraine's Lyudmyla Kichenok and USA's Austin Krajicek 7-5, 4-6, 10-6 in the match tiebreak.
Sania Mirza withdrew from the mixed doubles draw at the last moment due to a calf problem, leaving Bopanna no other option but to pair up with a new partner, Kichenok.
Bopanna earlier got knocked out in the first round of men’s doubles of the Australian Open, losing to American twins and former World No. 1s Bob and Mike Bryan.
Bopanna and Kichenok will face USA's Nicole Melichar and Brazil's Bruno Soares tomorrow in the second round of the mixed doubles event.
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