East Bengal and Hyderabad FC played out a 3-3 draw in a Group B fixture of the Hero Super Cup 2023 on Thursday at the Payyanad Stadium in Manjeri, Kerala. From the Red and Gold Brigade, it was Naorem Mahesh Singh with a brace and local boy VP Suhair's banging strike. On the other hand, it was Javier Siverio's brace and substitute Abdul Rabeeh's strike which completed the Nizams' comeback.As it happened:
East Bengal and Hyderabad FC played out a 3-3 draw in a Group B fixture of the Hero Super Cup 2023 on Thursday at the Payyanad Stadium in Manjeri, Kerala. From the Red and Gold Brigade, it was Naorem Mahesh Singh with a brace and local boy VP Suhair's banging strike. On the other hand, it was Javier Siverio's brace and substitute Abdul Rabeeh's strike which completed the Nizams' comeback.As it happened: