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Are swimming pools open in India?

Well, the swimming pools are open in some part of the country while they continue to be shut in others due to the rising second wave of the virus.

Swimming pools are open in India? (Source: Pixabay)

Swimming pools are open in India? (Source: Pixabay)


Abhijit Nair

Updated: 5 April 2021 4:39 AM GMT

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic struck last year, the entire world has turned into haywire. From people hoarding toilet papers to some terming the virus a conspiracy by the governments, the world continues to be in a mess.

As the entire world faced the brunt of the virus, sports too took a hit. Sporting activities across the world came to a halt and the situation in India was no different. In their bid to control the spread of the virus the government announced a complete lockdown and naturally the swimming pools were closed too for a long period of time.

So, one year down the line, what is the situation now? Are swimming pools in the country open?

Well, the swimming pools are open in some part of the country while they continue to be shut in others due to the rising second wave of the virus.

Ever since India went into a nationwide lockdown on 24th March last year, the swimming pools were shut for almost 6 and a half months. The pools were first given permission to open only during the Unlock 5 on 15th October, that too, just for the professional sportspersons of the country.

It was only on 27th January 2021 that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) allowed the swimming pools in the country to be open to everyone provided that the Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) are followed.

Ever since there has once again been a spurt in the spread of the virus, which the experts believe to be a second wave, that has forced the state governments to once again put some strict restrictions. Under such a situation, the Karnataka state government has already ordered to shut down swimming pools in the state while the other states continue to mull over it.

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