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Indian women's football team to play two friendlies against Myanmar

The Blue tigresses will travel to Yangon and play the friendlies on July 9th and July 12th, during the international window for women.

Indian womens football team to play two friendlies against Myanmar

Indian women's football team (Photo credit: AIFF)


The Bridge Desk

Updated: 18 Jun 2024 3:52 PM GMT

The Indian women's football team is scheduled to play two international friendlies against Myanmar in July, the AIFF announced on Tuesday.

The matches are scheduled to be held on July 9th and 12th, at Yangon, during the FIFA Women's International Window.

The Blue Tigresses recently played a couple of friendlies against Uzbekistan on May 31 and June 3 at Tashkent, with the host nation winning the first match 3-0 and drawing the second match 0-0.

As part of the preparations for the friendlies, the AIFF has also announced that the women's team will have a preparatory camp at the National Centre of Excellence in Kolkata from June 26, 2024.

This will be done to ensure the tigresses are at their best going into the two friendlies and come back with positive results, unlike the Uzbekistan friendlies.

The team for the two matches will likely be announced tomorrow. Indian women's team is currently ranked 67th, whereas the Myanmar team is ranked 13 places higher, at 54th.

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