Cue Sports
Sourav Kothari wins All India Snooker Open
Sourav Kothari raced to a 7-2 victory over Laxman Rawat in the best-of-13-frame finals of the NSCI All India Snooker Open.

Sourav Kothari
Oozing with confidence, PSPB's Sourav Kothari raced to a 7-2 victory over Laxman Rawat in the best-of-13-frame finals of the NSCI All India Snooker Open 'Baulkline' 2022 on Saturday.
Kothari, who recently had won both the snooker and billiards titles in the Pacific International Championship in Melbourne, recorded a comfortable 95-17, 37-75, 64-05, 70-77, 116-01, 124-05, 70-23, 91-50 71-39 win.
The 37-year-old Kolkata-based Kothari compiled breaks of 65 (1st frame), 58 (4th), 83 (5th) and 107 in the sixth, while Laxman managed a solitary break of 63 in winning the fourth.
Kothari was presented the champions' trophy and the winners' cheque of Rs two lakh, while Laxman received the runners-up trophy and a cheque of Rs one lakh.