Cue Sports
Ishpreet Singh beats Pankaj Advani in 6-Red Snooker National Championships final
Having lost in the finals twice before, this victory was sweet redemption for Ishpreet, especially because he pulled off a great comeback after falling behind to 25-time world champion Pankaj Advani.

The 4 finalists with the 6-Red Snooker National Championship trophies
Ishpreet Singh Chadha beat former world champion Pankaj Advani 7-6 in a thrilling final of the 6-Red Snooker National Championships in Indore on Sunday night.
Having lost in the finals of this tournament twice before, this victory was sweet redemption for the 26-year-old Ishpreet, especially because he pulled off a great comeback after falling behind in the final to Advani, a 25-time world champion.
"This was the most memorable match of my entire career. The third time was the charm for me against Pankaj Advani, I managed to make a great comeback," he told The Bridge shortly after winning the final.
The current Asia No. 2, Ishpreet, who won the 6-Red Snooker National Championship for the first time, said the packed crowd also helped make the day special.
"Cue sports viewership has changed dramatically in the last few years. There was a packed arena in the final. When there are viewers you feel the intensity more of the match," he said.
Speaking after his loss, Advani, who had won the 6-Red national championship last time in September 2021, said the final was one of the most dramatic matches he has been involved in.
"I'm sad there had to be a loser in this match and I'm sad I couldn't get over the finishing line, Ishpreet played fantastically. But this is what makes this 6-Red format of Snooker unpredictable. One shot can change everything. When I was up 6-5 up, I missed a red. I think the game turned there," said Advani.
In the women's section, Vidya Pillai beat Varsha Sanjeev by 4-3 to win the final.
The 15-Red National Championship is going to be held next.