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Coronavirus: MCA Apex Council member Sarnaik helps Maidan groundsmen

Coronavirus: MCA Apex Council member Sarnaik helps Maidan groundsmen


Published: 3 May 2020 2:24 PM GMT

Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) apwx council member Vihang Sarnaik has come in the aid of around 45 groundsmen, whose livelihood have been affected due to the countrywide lockdown in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

"Today, I tried my best to support Malis and groundsmen who take care of the cricket maidans in Mumbai, with food items sustainable for a month.This is a small effort I felt I should make as a cricket lover and I hope it brings some relief to these individuals & their families," Sarnaik tweeted.

Sarnaik said that it was his responsibility to help these groundsmen who are pillars of Mumbai maidan. "These groundsmen are the backbone and the most integral part of any cricket maidan in Mumbai. Most of these malis live on the grounds itself as their income is generated from matches and tournaments organised here. Its important we stand by them in these tough times," Sarnaik said in another tweet.

"I have tried providing food for 40 to 45 groundsmen, who look after the facilities in South Mumbai as well as Central Mumbai (Matunga)," Sarnaik said.

Read Also: Umpires’ group starts distributing food grains to help local scorers, groundsmen

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