Drama, Drama, and more drama in Ranchi. Soorma Hockey Club have been disallowed a goal.
Its a PC for Soorma and the first one takes a defender's foot. They try a variation for the second time and it clips the first rusher's feet. Jyoti with the third drag flick and it goes through between the goalkeeper Elodie Picard's legs.
A massive chaos ensues right in front of the goalline with Picard completely off balance. Sharmila Devi, the injector, gets the final touch and slots the ball in.
The umpire gives the goal and immediately asks for a review. "Is there any reason to not give a goal?" he asks.
The third umpire, after watching the replays, feel the ball was high, before it went between Picard's legs. The goal has been struck down. Pipers continue to lead.