The Sports Authority of India's Deputy Director General Shiv Sharma has been spotted at Jantar Mantar, the spot where the wrestlers continue to sit down and protest. Sharma is seen speaking to Vinesh Phogat.SAI Deputy Director General Shiv Sharma here at Jantar Mantar, talking to @Phogat_Vinesh #wrestling #protest @Media_SAI— Chetan Vashisht (@chetan0711) April 24, 2023
The Sports Authority of India's Deputy Director General Shiv Sharma has been spotted at Jantar Mantar, the spot where the wrestlers continue to sit down and protest. Sharma is seen speaking to Vinesh Phogat.SAI Deputy Director General Shiv Sharma here at Jantar Mantar, talking to @Phogat_Vinesh #wrestling #protest @Media_SAI— Chetan Vashisht (@chetan0711) April 24, 2023