Maharashtra have touched the 160 mark, thanks to Vaidya and Lonkar. They end exactly at 160 and Railways, whose majority of bowlers looked clueless, have a mountain to climb.MAH - 160/4 (20)Brilliant running in the end by Vaidya and Lonkar. An over-throw and they ran FOUR runs. Maharashtra ends with 160 in their 20 overs. Sneh Rana's final over went for 17 runs. 2,4,2,1,4,4(they ran 4)#SeniorT20Trophy#WomensT20Trophy#CricketTwitter— Krithika (@krithika0808) May 4, 2022
Maharashtra have touched the 160 mark, thanks to Vaidya and Lonkar. They end exactly at 160 and Railways, whose majority of bowlers looked clueless, have a mountain to climb.MAH - 160/4 (20)Brilliant running in the end by Vaidya and Lonkar. An over-throw and they ran FOUR runs. Maharashtra ends with 160 in their 20 overs. Sneh Rana's final over went for 17 runs. 2,4,2,1,4,4(they ran 4)#SeniorT20Trophy#WomensT20Trophy#CricketTwitter— Krithika (@krithika0808) May 4, 2022