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Asian Archery Continental Qualifier: Ankita Bhakat misses Paris Olympics quota place

Ankita Bhakat lost her quarterfinal match 4-6 and missed out on an individual quota place for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Ankita Bhakat (Source: Department of Youth and Sports, Govt of Odisha/Facebook)

Ankita Bhakat (Source: Department of Youth and Sports, Govt of Odisha/Facebook)


Deepanshu Jain

Updated: 11 Nov 2023 7:57 AM GMT

Ankita Bhakat lost her quarterfinal match at the Asian Archery Continental Qualifier and missed out on an individual quota place for the 2024 Paris Olympics in Bangkok on Saturday.

Ankita was up against Ziyodakhon Abdusattorova of Uzbekistan in the quarterfinal today, but she lost the match 4-6 despite leading 3-1 after two ends.

She started the match on a high note and won the first end by 29-23 to take an early 2-0 lead in the second end. But Abdusattorova made a slight comeback and shot her first perfect 10 of the match to tie the end 27-27.

In the third end, the wind started picking up which troubled both the archers.

Ankita shot a disappointing 6 which saw the Uzbek archer winning 25-24 and levelling the total score to 3-3. In the fourth end, both archers shot 27 to take the match to the final end with a tied score of 4-4.

In the final end, Ankita's shots drifted towards the right side from the centre, and she shot three 8 for a total of 24 which was two short of Abdusattorova's 26.

Uzbekistan's Ziyodakhon Abdusattorova and Malaysian archer Mohamad Zairi won the two quota spots available from the event.

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