Why is Kashmir Files tax free and not Jhund, asks the sports movie's producer
One of the producers of sports movie Jhund, Savita Raj Hiremath, has questioned on what basis has the government declared the recently released Kashmir Files tax-free and not her film.

Amitabh Bachchan starrer Jhund
One of the producers of the Amitabh Bachchan starred sports movie Jhund, Savita Raj Hiremath, has questioned on what basis has the government declared the recently released Kashmir Files tax free and not her film, which was an equal success.
"I recently watched 'Kashmir Files' and as the story of Kashmiri Pandits exodus it's heartbreaking and is a story that needed to be told. It is a good voice for Kashmiri Pandits! "But as the producer of Jhund, I am perplexed. After all, Jhund, is also an important film and has a story and a big message that has received tremendous acclaim and word of mouth from the audience," Savita Raj Hiremath wrote in a Facebook post.
The producer further questioned on the criteria set by the government while selecting a film to be tax free and endorsing it through social media.
"So I want to find out what's the criterion on which govt selects a film to support it so strongly by making tax free, endorsing it through social media and asking Offices to showcase the film or give half day holidays to its employees," she added.

Hiremath maintained that Jhund also has a subject that is crucial to the growth of India as a country.
"After all jhund also has a subject that is so crucial to our country's growth..jhund is not just talking about the disparity between caste and economic disparity but also shows a way to make the lower strata of society find their success story."
Jhud is a movie inspired by the life of Vijay Barse, a retired sports teacher, who founded a NGO called Slum Soccer. Barse managed to give children dwelling in the slums a new way of life by keeping them away from the life of drugs, crimes and drawing them towards football.
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