With the rising popularity of PUBG Mobile in India and its introduction of squads. Players can now team up with friends to win that chicken dinner. However, while playing competitively, esport athletes involved in a team have set roles that they adhere to and play according to their strengths and weaknesses. These are the basic roles a competitive PUBG Mobile team must have:
Front line Assaulter

This individual as the name suggests leads the assault for his team against other teams
carrying enough ammunition to gun down enemies and secure that chicken dinner. The front line assaulter must also be a great communicator, providing accurate information to his teammates so that they can provide cover while the assaulter does his job. He should also carry enough utilities to help knock down players using grenades and molotovs to help push the advantage for his team.
Having a dedicated sniper is crucial for every team. A sniper engages in long-range fights while picking off enemies from a distance potentially turning the tide in his team’s favor. A sniper can also play as a support in providing cover for his front line assaulter while he pushes forward. A sniper can also provide valuable information on enemy whereabouts due to their ability to garner knowledge through their long-range scopes.
In Game Leader (IGL)
An IGL is the most important role in the squad. He is the captain, leader of the squad and an IGL mainly does all the shot calling. An IGL along with his squad thinks of the best strategies regarding zone closure, when to engage in team fights, what routes to take to achieve that all-important chicken dinner. While also analyzing map terrain while outsmarting other IGL’s to prevail making it one of the hardest things to do while playing the game.
The support as the name suggests does all they can in supporting their team. Mainly their
responsibility is to carry utility, ammunition while providing cover fire, recoveries, and performing revivals if necessary. The support has an additional role of also helping the Frontline Assaulter with his duties making this role very hard and also underrated. The support player generally can be considered the unsung hero of the squad.
Also read: How technology is driving the growth of Esports in India
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