A nineteen-year-old Taekwondo player is the main accused in an incident which took on-board the Air Asia flight from Guwahati to New Delhi. The person, in question, lost the foetus that was found in one of the flight's lavatories. The foetus was found lifeless and wrapped in toilet paper, just as the flight was preparing for landing. However, the taekwondo player has come forward and claimed that she did not know about her pregnancy. In a harrowing incident on Wednesday, the Air Asia flight crew found the body of a newborn baby minutes away from landing in New Delhi. Air Asia, in a statement, revealed the details of the ordeal,
Also Read: Taekwondo players fight legal battle after Asian Games snub
"A doctor from the medical team at Delhi International Airport confirmed that the baby had been delivered on board." The nineteen-year-old in question acknowledged that she indeed had delivered the baby. However, she refused to undergo any medical examinations when taken to the hospital. More details have come forward regarding the incident on Wednesday. The nineteen-year-old, who delivered the baby, is a Taekwondo player and was heading to South Korea for a competition. However, since the incident, her passport was detained and she was refused from going for the tournament. The Taekwondo player, however, has revealed that she was unaware of her pregnancy. Her claim was solidified by her brother-in-law, who said that her family also was unaware of the nineteen-year old's pregnancy. Post-mortem of the foetus was conducted on Thursday, to determine the gestational age. A case hasn't been registered against the player, as of yet. However, her passport has been detained by the police. The case is for "concealment of birth by the secret disposal of the dead body" will be run against the player. If found guilty, the person in question can receive a fine, along with a maximum term of two-years. Also Read: Taekwondo players fight legal battle after Asian Games snub
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