Uttar Pradesh's Arnav Yadav secured the second gold medal for his state as he finished in the pole position in the boys' hammer throw at the Khelo India School Games in New Delhi on Saturday. Afsar Ahmed, also from the same State finished behind him while Delhi's Paras Deshwal won the Bronze medal. In the girls' category, Delhi-girl Harshita Sehrawat grabbed top honours with a 58.53 metres throw. Aishwarya of Haryana finished behind her with her best attempt of 48.63 metres while Bhumika Chaudhary settled for a Bronze medal. Maharashtra extended their lead at the top of the standings in the Khelo India School Games winning the 4*100m boys' relay covering the distance in 42.83 seconds. They piped Kerala who took 0.31 seconds more to complete the event. Tamil Nadu won the bronze medal in the relay. It was Maharashtra again who finished on top of the standings in the Boys' Pole Vault event with Gond claiming honours with a reading of 4.70 metres. Uttar Pradesh based Athlete Deepak Yadav finishing second with a jump of 4.30 metres. In total, Maharashtra won a mammoth seven gold medals in Day 4 of the Games in New Delhi on Saturday. Kenisha Gupta and Neel Roy won two golds each in their respective categories in swimming. Kenisha won the Girls 50m freestyle and Girls 200m individual medal while Neel won the Boys 50m freestyle and 200m medley. Srihari Nataraj, who is one of the star attractions of the Khelo India Games, added another feather to his cap winning the200m backstroke to complete a double. Earlier, he also won the 100m backstroke event. Uttar Pradesh also impressed in Wrestling, claiming rights on three gold medals in the Greco-Roman category. Arshad has the better of Rohan Bhosale in the 54kg event. 'Wrestling is like breathing for us for a very long time. Arshad has achieved a lot in a short time. He has made us all proud. I hope my brothers and I can also participate in the next edition of the Khelo India Games,' said Arshad's brother ahead of the gold medal clash. On the other hand, Anup Kumar outclassed Maharashtra's Parth Kandare to clinch the gold in the 54 kg event. 'There was no alternative, I told myself. I had to win,' said Anup following his win. In another remarkable development of the day, Haryana's Neelam defeated Bhavika Patel of Gujarat in the 40 kg Girls event of Greco-Roman Wrestling while Manju Kumari and Gopavva Khodaki settled for a Bronze each. At the end of Day 4, Maharashtra as sitting at the top of the medals tally with 16 gold, 11 silver, and 12 Bronze medals. Delhi, Haryana, and Karnataka grab the second, third and fourth spot respectively with 12 gold medals each. Tamil Nadu is at the fifth place with 6 gold, 10 silver, and 9 Bronze medals. There are a lot of medals up for grabs on the fifth Day of the Khelo India School Games on Sunday. The fate of the 1500m athletics Boys' and Girls' event will also be decided by the weekend.
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