The Srachi Rarh Bengal Tigers are set to face Odisha Warriors in match four of the Women's Hockey India League (WHIL), in Ranchi on Thursday. With both teams having identical records in terms of win/loss after two games, this match becomes all the more important for both sides to consolidate their position in the top two of the WHIL table. The match is set to begin at 6:00 PM, IST, at the Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium.As it happened:
The Srachi Rarh Bengal Tigers are set to face Odisha Warriors in match four of the Women's Hockey India League (WHIL), in Ranchi on Thursday. With both teams having identical records in terms of win/loss after two games, this match becomes all the more important for both sides to consolidate their position in the top two of the WHIL table. The match is set to begin at 6:00 PM, IST, at the Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium.As it happened: