Team Gonasika takes on the Tamil Nadu Dragons in match 15 of the ongoing Hockey India League, at Rourkela on Wednesday. The Dragons come into the game sitting in fourth place, with two wins and a defeat in their three games, including two shootouts that each resulted in a win and loss. Team Gonasika, on the other hand, have lost two of their opening three games, one in a shootout, and are in 6th place. As it happened:
Team Gonasika takes on the Tamil Nadu Dragons in match 15 of the ongoing Hockey India League, at Rourkela on Wednesday. The Dragons come into the game sitting in fourth place, with two wins and a defeat in their three games, including two shootouts that each resulted in a win and loss. Team Gonasika, on the other hand, have lost two of their opening three games, one in a shootout, and are in 6th place. As it happened: