HIL Highlights: The Tamil Nadu Dragons registered a 3-2 win over the Delhi SG Pipers in their 2024-25 Hockey India League clash at the Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium in Rourkela on Monday.Jip Janssen, Nathan Ephraums, and Blake Govers scored for the Dragons, while Tomas Domene's brace for the Pipers went in vain. Highlights:
HIL Highlights: The Tamil Nadu Dragons registered a 3-2 win over the Delhi SG Pipers in their 2024-25 Hockey India League clash at the Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium in Rourkela on Monday.Jip Janssen, Nathan Ephraums, and Blake Govers scored for the Dragons, while Tomas Domene's brace for the Pipers went in vain. Highlights: