Kalinga Lancers triumphed 5-1 over Delhi Pipers in a dominant display. The match began with Bandurak opening the scoring for the Lancers, followed by a clinical brace from Thierry Brinkman. Arthur Van Doren and Gursahibjit also got on the scoresheet. Delhi’s only goal came from Weyer, who scored a brilliant solo effort. Despite some attacking moments, Delhi struggled with defensive lapses and missed opportunities. Kalinga’s relentless attacking play and solid defense sealed the win, leaving Delhi with too much to overcome.As it happened:
Kalinga Lancers triumphed 5-1 over Delhi Pipers in a dominant display. The match began with Bandurak opening the scoring for the Lancers, followed by a clinical brace from Thierry Brinkman. Arthur Van Doren and Gursahibjit also got on the scoresheet. Delhi’s only goal came from Weyer, who scored a brilliant solo effort. Despite some attacking moments, Delhi struggled with defensive lapses and missed opportunities. Kalinga’s relentless attacking play and solid defense sealed the win, leaving Delhi with too much to overcome.As it happened: