Defending champion Delhi’s Abhinav Tejan (Tekken7) and Mumbai’s Moinuddin Amdani (PES) alongside other popular Esports gaming names across the country including Loveneet Dogra, Malay, Akshay Jagtap and Navaneetha will be among the main attractions as the winner of each game will get chance to represent India at the International Esports Federation (IESF)--organised
12th Esports World Championship which will take place in Eilat, Israel at the end of the year."There has been an immense increase in the Esports players in the recent time, especially during COVID-19 pandemic where outdoor sports took a hit. Last edition of the National Championship saw around 100 gamers taking part but we expect the numbers of participation to go up this time. With new found interest in the sport, it is a great opportunity for games to not only showcase their talent but also make the country proud," Esports Federation of India (ESFI) Director Lokesh Suji said.
The National Championship will be played in a double elimination format with the last date of registrations will be September 24 (PES) and September 25 (Tekken7 and DOTA2). The championship will be streamed live on Esports Federation of India (ESFI)’s Youtube and Facebook page.
(Tekken7 - NESC2020) Registrations are open !#tekken7 #esfi #iesf #eilat #12thEsportsWorldChampionship #esportsathletes #indianesportsathletes #esports #indianesports #pc @ConnectAESF @alcissports @artsmithconcept
— Esports Federation of India (@esfindia) September 11, 2020
"Last year my performance wasn't good in Seoul [2019 Esports World Championship] as I lost in the pool stage. However, I have been working hard to win a medal for the country at the 2020 Esports World Championship. But to qualify for that, I have to give my best to win in National Qualifiers and Regional Qualifiers which won't be easy this time," Tejan, who has participated in over 100 tournaments so far in his 10-year career, said.
"It's always a great feeling to represent your country at the global stage. Last national championship [2019] was really good for me. It was also my first. My focus will be to continue that momentum and secure a spot in the World Championship," said defending champion (PES) Amdani, who also finished runners-up at the Nations Cup in Bengaluru held in November 2019.
ESFI partners Alcis and Artsmith continue its support as the kit and communication partner respectively.
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