Football Delhi, the erstwhile Delhi Soccer Association, on Saturday joined hands with ASSOCHAM, India's apex body of chamber of commerce and industry, for the overall upliftment of the sport in the Capital city. The Associated Chambers of Commerce of India will aid the government Football body to connect with corporate and industry. Both the organisations have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the occasion of the National Youth Day on 12th January. 'This is a momentous occasion for football in Delhi that Industry Chamber has come forward to encourage the development of football in the Capital city of India through this MoU,' said Shaji Prabhakaran, the President of Football Delhi. The veteran football administrator has some significant plans to implement 360-degree reforms in Delhi football. 'Under this MoU we would like to achieve greater corporation, partnership and participation in different activities of football and specifically encouraging grassroot level participation through the jointly organize sports events, seminars and forums for development of football industry in the capital and engaging industry members and stakeholders in the field of infrastructure development, sports science, medicine and create opportunities for engaging employees of corporate companies consistent with the prevalent HR policies,' added Prabhakaran. 'As India stands to gain from the demographic dividends as it is a young nation and on the occasion of the Country celebrating National Youth Day, it is ASSOCHAM's endeavour to promote sports and healthy lifestyle particularly among the youth and heartiest to see that today's signing and understanding with the Delhi soccer association (Football Delhi) for promoting a sports and particularly football in Delhi,' said D. S. Rawat, the Secretary General of ASSOCHAM. The MoU aims to initiate skill-development programmes to create employment opportunities for the sport, including sports goods manufacturing sectors and work jointly for accelerating investments including tapping CSR funds for football, for jointly organising a Corporate Football League and other activities to connect different stakeholders of the game and promote football across the NCT. As per the MoU, ASSOCHAM and Football Delhi will collaborate to form a task force for periodically reviewing the progress made and take necessary steps. The MoU was signed in the presence of the Football Delhi Managing Committee.
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