‘Grateful for all that hockey has offered': Goalkeeper Madhuri Kindo

Madhuri Kindo has recently been promoted to the Indian women's senior team after an exceptional performance at an assessment camp conducted by SAI.

Update: 2024-06-24 08:30 GMT

Madhuri Kindo during training. (Photo Credit: Hockey India) 

Goalkeeper Madhuri Kindo has been recently promoted from the Indian Junior Women’s Hockey Team to the Senior Team owing to her exceptional performance in the assessment camp conducted in April.

Hailing from a humble farming family in Birmitrapur, Odisha, Madhuri's interest in hockey began on the sidelines as she watched her brother Manoj Kindo play, while their father Shankar Kindo worked the fields.

Inspired by Manoj, she took up hockey and joined the Panposh Sports Hostel in 2012.

Initially starting as a defender, Madhuri's athletic ability and quick reflexes soon led her to switch positions and become a goalkeeper.

National spotlight

Her talent was evident in multiple National Championships, earning her a place in the Indian Junior Women’s Hockey Team in 2021.

Madhuri's heroics at the Junior Women’s Asia Cup 2023 in Japan, where the team won the Gold medal, attracted the attention of recruiters.

Subsequently, she received a job offer from Western Railways in Mumbai.

“In Birmitrapur we had two houses without a concrete roof and the only steady income in the family was that of my brother Manoj. He undertook all the expenses of building a new house for close to a year and after receiving the job offer from Western Railways, I could finally share the load with him. It was fulfilling to be able to help my brother through the sport that he introduced me to. I am grateful for all that hockey has offered to me in terms of income, respect in the community, and a sense of achievement,” Madhuri said, emphasizing the impact of hockey on her life.

Beyond securing a spot on the Railway Sports Promotion Board hockey team, Madhuri has now joined the Indian Women’s Hockey Team after the assessment camp at SAI Bengaluru.

Training with idols

While she has yet to make her senior debut, Madhuri is excited about the opportunity to train alongside her idol, Savita.

“The difference between the Junior and Senior Teams is not that steep as I have seniors in the team, like Savita, Bichu Devi Kharibam, and Bansari Solanki to help me with my game. Watching them train intensely every day has helped me gain more knowledge of the game at the highest level. I have a lot of room for improvement and as I strive to make a place for myself in the squad, I am working on my weaknesses so that I can help the team win in the future. I am eager to play against the best teams around the world,” she concluded.


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