AIFF launches Blue Cubs Development Centre programme

This initiative aims to bridge the gap between grassroots and youth football that will help in developing the game at the grassroots levels.

Update: 2024-05-28 11:56 GMT

AIFF launches Blue Cubs Development Centre Programme. (Photo Credit: AIFF)

The All India Football Federation (AIFF) has launched the Blue Cubs Development Centre Programme earlier this month, a very important step towards developing grassroots and youth football football in India.

The initiative was launched on May 15 as part of the celebrations of the AFC Grassroots Day. 

The initiative aims to bridge the gap between grassroots and youth football in India in such a way a robust system is created, leading to the overall betterment of both grassroots and youth level football in the country. 

Blue Cubs is an elite grassroots programme to broadbase football across the nation, while also aiming to develop technical skills amongst the youth players.

The elite youth players that come through the Blue cubs programme then proceed to play at the various age group leagues.

The Blue Cubs program also has the Blue Cubs League, an initiative that offers age-appropriate game formats for children aged 4 to 12. The league recognizes that children develop physically, mentally, and emotionally at different rates and thus tailors playing formats accordingly. For children aged 4 to 6 years, the program implements game formats of 2v2 and 3v3. These formats are specifically designed to cater to the developmental needs and abilities of young children, fostering fundamental skills such as coordination, spatial awareness, and teamwork.

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