National Games Doping Row: Three athletes receive reduced ban

Three athletes who took part in the 37th National Games were among the 11 sportspersons who got reduced ban for failed dope tests after admitting their offence within 20 days, the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has revealed.

The athletes avoided the mandated four-year ban due to early acceptance of the guilt earlier this month. Their names appeared in the latest NADA list of those who were handed reduced sanctions of three years under Article 10.8 of the NADA Rules.

Kamaljeet Kaur (100m and 200m), Ajay Kumar (5000m and 10000m), and Harjodhvir Singh (5000m and 10000m) are the three track-and-field athletes, who failed dope tests in the 37th National Games in Goa.


Update: 2024-01-17 05:43 GMT

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