Sports that were part of Indian Puranas

The Bridge
The game of chess was invented in India and was originally called Ashtapada.
The Bridge
The Game of Cards
The popular game of cards originated in ancient India and was known as Krida-patram.
The Bridge
The Game of Snakes & Ladders
This game was also originated in India and was called Moksha Patam or Parama Padam or Mokshapat.
The Bridge
Martial Arts
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk from India, introduced Kalari(Martial Arts) into China and Japan in the 5th century.
The Bridge
Early references to dicing can be found in the Ṛig Veda as well as the newer Atharvaveda.
The Bridge
Earlier in India Ludo was called Pachisi, and the board was made out of cloth or jute.
The Bridge